Make sure that all goods are clean and dry before being packed to prevent mold.
Dismantle knock-down items or furniture, this will make handling easier and aid efficient utilization of your storage space, be sure to pack any bolts and screws from this item.
Smaller goods can be wrapped and placed inside furniture or other larger appliances
Wrap furniture to protect from dust
Wrap fragile goods with bubble wrap and seal to prevent from braking
Make sure everything is well dry before placing it into your storage space to prevent mold
If you are planning to store clothes, linens, other fabrics, sofas, mattresses: They should be completely dry, free of any moisture. We recommend that they are wrapped and sealed. We recommend the use of naphthalene balls to keep the fabric safe.
All wooden furniture should be treated with an anti-termite product
When storing lawn and garden equipment, drain any fluid storage to avoid corrosive damage
When storing business files and inventory, label all boxes and construct aisles so files are easily seen and accessible
Items such as stoves or refrigerators use protective covers before storing
Cardboard boxes should be sealed with sellotape prior to being placed into your storage space